took a little (long) break.

Apologies for disappearing. in August 2021! Oh my goodness! To say it has been a crazy year and a half would be an understatement. It was definitely a roller coaster. I’ll try to quickly go over the main highs and lows to catch you all up to speed.

During August, I was in a very low point emotionally. I was still experiencing depression stemming from my march pregnancy loss and anxiety from my job woes, plus my good ol’ pms was making its appearance all at the same time. Yay. I was in that low point the rest of the month and into the beginning of September ‘21. Then, in mid September I was blessed with the wonderful news that I was pregnant again and that it was to be a viable normal pregnancy. As you can imagine I was over the moon with joy and filled with excitement! At the same time I was finally making steps with getting a small theatre teaching artist gig.

Things finally started to fall into place. Well, apparently my body decided everything was all too perfect and gave me my next challenge: Hyperemesis Gravidarum aka HG. I developed this extreme version of ‘Morning sickness’, which put me in and out of the hospital, unable to eat, consistent vomiting, drained of all energy, and subsequently out of work. It lasted my entire first trimester and halfway into my second trimester. Got a little taste of a normal pregnancy for maybe a few weeks and then the rest of my pregnancy was filled with almost weekly hospital visits as my darling baby wasn't growing at the normal rate. Fast forward to April ‘22, via an emergency c-section, I gave birth to the most beautiful and healthy baby girl.

Since her birth, I have been a ‘Stay At Home Mom’.

Now it’s a another new year ( gasp! 2023! Time flies!) and I’m trying to balance recovering physically from my traumatic pregnancy and pregnancy journey, with being a new mom, with being un-employed, and now a homeowner! (I’m still an American in The Netherlands, just not an American in Amsterdam anymore.) Having a baby and a dog, just demanded us needing a little more space…and a garden!

Oh and let me say it feels so good to finally get back on here and write! I missed this outlet of my mine! In my upcoming post I’ll go more in-depth on the new mom stuff, new home stuff, and my continued career journey. I cannot wait to share what is happening with our new house. It was almost a gut renovation type of house and we are still in renovation stages at the moment, so stay tuned for more!

xoxo Kenosha Renae
